Gig 20120218

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Venue Jim Beam Homegrown - Red Bull Lab Stage
Date 18 February 2012
Location Wellington
Country NZ
Number of songs 11
Support Shihad, Kora, Blacklist, Six60, Black River Drive, The Black Seeds, 1814, The Thomas Oliver Band, AHoriBuzz, Shotgun Alley, Optimus Gryme, Smashproof, Bulletproof, David Dallas, Concord Dawn, P Money, Kids of 88, Kidz in Space, Karn Hall, K One and Sunshine Soundsystem
Event start 1pm
Capacity 17000 (entire festival capacity)
Ticket price Register now and receive presale ticket for $75 + booking fee here. General public tickets go on sale September 26 for $95 + booking fee.
Sold out? Yes

Set List

  1. Long Way Off
  2. One Million Ways
  3. Up And Gone
  4. A New Beginning
  5. A Part Of Me
  6. Nothing To Lose
  7. Most Important
  8. Short Change
  9. Reunite
  10. Please Wake Up
  11. Everyday I Wake Up


Homegrown website


The Adults play from 6.20pm-7.20pm on the Red Bull Lab Stage. Click here for the timetable


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